2014 Golf Tournament wraps up


For the past 39 years, The Canada-Japan Society of British Columbia has hosted an annual golf tournament — and over the past 11 years this tournament has been jointly hosted by our friends at the Japanese Businessmen’s Association of Vancouver (Konwakai).  This year’s tournament was held on Sunday, September 14, 2014 at Meadow Gardens Golf Club and the day was wonderfully warm and sunny.

The 48 participants of the 39th Annual Golf Tournament and Dinner enjoyed a wonderful day and early evening, and from the general buzz in the dinner venue there was lots of socializing and stories being told!  Among our many prize winners were:

o        Low gross winner, low net winner and closest-to-the-pin winner: Fumitoshi Yuzawa;

o        2nd low net, and longest drive winner: Jeff Matsuda;

o        3rd low net winner: Glenn Tanaka;

o        Other closest-to-the-pin winners: Hank Oosteveen and Kenichiro Kuboki;

o        and a Very Special Mention to Masanori Kumano who drained a hole-in-one on the 13th hole!

The Grand Prize was won this year by Joey Oikawa — two round trip tickets to Japan, courtesy of Air Canada.

As always, a significant component of our annual Tournament and Dinner was the number and quality of our golf and door prizes, all kindly donated by members and friends of the Canada-Japan community.  On behalf of the Golf Tournament Organizing Committee, the Tournament and Dinner participants, and members and directors of the Canada-Japan Society of British Columbia, our warmest thanks to all who contributed so generously.