Japanese Design Today

This rare opportunity to learn about current trends in Japanese design and architecture will feature Professor Hiroshi Kashiwagi from Musashino Art University, and Mr. Yoshifumi Nakamura, an architect and furniture designer who also teaches at the College of Industrial Technology at Nihon University. The afternoon will begin with highlights from the Design 100 Exhibition, showing in Toronto and Montreal this fall.

This will be followed by a lecture by Professor Kashiwagi, who will provide a broad overview of Japanese contemporary design, which is rooted in the modernization projects of the 1920s. Mr. Nakamura will speak from his perspective as a practitioner in the field, and will explain the characteristics of Japanese design. His talk will focus on terms associated with Japanese design, such as “crafty,” “minimal,” “thoughtful,” “compact,” and “cute.” Lectures will be given in Japanese with English interpretation.

Thu October 23, 2014 2:00-4:30pm

Asian Centre Auditorium University of British Columbia (1871 West Mall)