40th Annual Golf Tournament & Dinner

Congratulations Tarumi san and a big thank you to Air Canada and Maria Lu

This year the Canada-Japan Society of British Columbia hosted its 40th Annual Golf Tournament and Dinner – and over the past 12 years the event has been jointly hosted by our friends at the Japanese Businessmen’s Association of Vancouver (Konwakai).  This year’s tournament and dinner was held on Sunday, September 13, 2015 at Meadow Gardens Golf Club and the day was wonderfully warm, slightly breezy, and beautifully sunny.

The 40 participants of the 40th Annual Golf Tournament and Dinner enjoyed a wonderful day and early evening, and the reception and dinner venue was abuzz with lots of socializing and stories being told, golf and otherwise!  Among our many prize winners were:

  • Low gross winner, and 2-time closest-to-the-pin winner: Hiroshi Jitsumasa;
  • Low net winner: Daisuke Sumita;
  • 2nd low net winner: Hiroshi Jitsumasa;
  • 3rd low net winner: Keith Stevenson;
  • Longest drive winner: Mitsuru Ishikawa; and,

A Very Special Mention was made at the Dinner to A. John Ellis, our Society’s Honorary Vice President and one of the founders of the annual golf event forty years ago, for “breaking 100”!

The Grand Prize — two round trip tickets to Japan, courtesy of Air Canada – was won this year by Hiroyuki Tarumi, pictured here with his winning ticket. Holding his prize is Air Canada’s Maria Lu.

As always, a significant component of our annual Tournament and Dinner was the number and quality of our many golf and door prizes, all kindly donated by members and friends of the broader Canada-Japan community.  On behalf of the Golf Tournament Organizing Committee, the Tournament and Dinner participants, and members and directors of the Canada-Japan Society of British Columbia, our thanks to all noted above, and others, who contributed so generously.