2015 CJSBC Christmas Luncheon Featuring Ambassador of Canada to Japan Mackenzie Clugston

Ambassador Clugston

The Society Christmas Luncheon will be held on December 15th at the Four Seasons Hotel in Vancouver.  Ambassador Clugston will be making his first visit to Vancouver since the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement reached on October 5 and the election of the Trudeau government on November 17.

Ambassador Clugston will reflect on these events and speak about Japan and the transformation under Prime Minister Abe, other current events and their implications on the future of Canada-Japan relationship.

We encourage all Society members and their guests to welcome Ambassador Clugston back to Vancouver and share their thoughts with him directly. We also invite our affiliated bilateral organizations and other groups interested in building bridges with Japan to do the same. The event promises to be an enlightening opportunity for all to network with others who share their interests.

Date:     Tuesday, December 15th, 2015
Time:     11:30am – Registration starts No host reception
12:00pm – Luncheon
12:30pm – Ambassador Clugston
1:00pm – Networking
Place:    Four Seasons Hotel, 791 West Georgia Street, Vancouver
Arbutus Room: Third floor, across from the Business Centre
Price:    $65 for CJSBC and Co-sponsor’s members; $70 for non-members (GST incl.#139057855 RT0001)
Reserved Corporate and supporting organization tables of 8 are available at a discount price.