2015 Sakura Benefit Dinner & Concert

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 the Nikkei Place Foundation is holding the Sakura Benefit Dinner & Concert at the Coast Hotel Coal Harbor in Downtown Vancouver.

On this special night Japanese recording star, Kohmi Hirose, will perform for us in an intimate setting. Having sold over 2.4 million copies of one record in Japan, this is indeed a rare opportunity.

Kohmi Hirose

Accompanied by the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra led by Conductor sensation, Ken Hsieh, we will enjoy this performance while dining on an amazing dinner set prepared by Chef Tojo.

These three artists are generously donating their time to help to support the efforts raise of Nikkei Place Foundation in building a strong and vibrant Nikkei community.

Organized by the Nikkei Place Foundation, the Sakura Benefit Dinner & Concert will be staged at the Coast Hotel Coal Harbour beginning at 7pm on Saturday, April 4, 2015

Tickets are available at $175 or $275 before March 16, 2015

To RSVP, please contact:
Nikkei Place Foundation (604) 777-2122 or gifts@nikkeiplace.org
Website: http://nikkeiplacefoundation.org