2nd Joint Symposium of the Japan-Canada Chambers Council

The Canada-Japan Society of British Columbia wishes to advise its members of the Japan-Canada Chambers Council initiative in bringing together business leaders, policy-makers and diplomats for the 2nd Joint Symposium of the Japan-Canada Chambers Council to be held March 21st at the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel in Vancouver.
2nd Joint Symposium of the Japan-Canada Chambers Council
プログラム(案)/ Program
Date:      Monday, March 21, 2016
Venue:   Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel, Vancouver, BC
9:00-9:30         登録受付・ネットワーキング/Registration & Networking Coffee-Tea
9:30-9:40         開会挨拶/Opening remarks of both Chairs
  • Steve Dechka, Canada Chair, Japan-Canada Chambers Council
  • Shoei Utsuda, Japan Chair, Japan-Canada Chambers Council
9:40-9:50         来賓挨拶/Messages by both Ambassadors
  • HE Mackenzie Clugston, Ambassador of Canada to Japan
  • HE Kenjiro Monji, Ambassador of Japan to Canada
9:50-10:25      基調講演/Keynote speech on political and economic outlook (e.g. Minister)
10:25-10:45    Coffee break & Networking
10:45-12:30    Session 1 “成長の機会 -新たな可能性をつかむ”(仮題)
                      Room to grow: seizing new opportunities (e.g. TPP)
  • Presentation: McKinsey & Co.
  • Panel with key industries:
  • Q & A
12:30-13:45    昼食・基調講演/Lunch with keynote speech (e.g. Minister/ CEO)
13:45-14:45    Session 2 “日本でのビジネス -対日投資と地方創生” (仮題)
                      Investing in Japan’s regions
  • Presentation: JETRO, Japanese Local Government
  • Case study: Canadian companies in Japan
  • Q & A
14:45-15:00    Coffee break & Networking
15:00-16:15    Session 3 “継続した関係を築く -人と人のつながり”(仮題)
                      Building relationships that last
  • Panel on education exchange, immigration, tourism, etc.
  • Q & A
16:15-16:30     閉会挨拶/Closing remarks of both Chairs
  • Shoei Utsuda, Japan Chair, Japan-Canada Chambers Council
  • Steve Dechka, Canada Chair, Japan-Canada Chambers Council
16:30-(18:00)  交流会/Networking reception
Why should you attend?
  • Learn about new growth opportunities from industry experts and CEOs.
  • Understand the impact of trade deals like the TPP.
  • Hear what it’s like to do business in Japan from companies with experience on the ground.
  • Discuss ways to expand people-to-people ties and cultural exchanges.
  • Network with key decision-makers in the private and public sector.
For further information: