New Year’s Greetings

The transition of the old to the new is one we look forward to, both with gratitude for the accomplishments of the year past as well as with anticipation for what the New Year brings.

In Canada we enjoyed some snow, even in Vancouver, as 2016 closed out.  Our selection of an alpine Christmas tree meant fewer ornaments, so we had to choose carefully which ones from our collection to highlight.

The year-end brings a transition on our front door as well, with the Christmas wreath being replaced with a traditional Japanese New Year’s decoration.  In Japan, it is a New Year custom to display, on the house entry door or on the porch, a special knitted rope made from rice straws called shimakezari. Special strips of zigzag folded white paper, called shide, are hung on rice rope, the result being one of the best-known Japanese decorations.

On behalf of the executive and board of directors of the Canada-Japan Society of British Columbia, may I extend our best wishes for the New Year ahead!

Steven Archer