2012 Society’s Annual Fall Gala set for November 28th


Keynote speaker: Hon. Pat Bell, B.C. Government Minister Responsible for International Trade

The Society’s Annual Fall Gala Dinner will be held on November 28th at the Four Seasons Hotel in Vancouver. The Honourable Pat Bell, British Columbia’s Government Minister Responsible for International Trade, has kindly agreed to be our keynote speaker. Minister Bell will speak on B.C.’s recent efforts towards economic re-engagement with Japan. As many know, the Canadian and Japanese Governments have been re-engaged in discussions concerning an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) since last year. Recently, the Federal Government announced that Canada will soon begin its first full round of trade negotiations with Japan. As part of that process, Society executives were invited this summer to brief the Federal Government’s bipartisan Standing Committee on International Trade in person and by teleconference and also meet separately with the co-chair of the committee. Between October 27 and November 3 the committee members conducted high level meetings with their Japanese counterparts and representatives of Canadian and Japanese business groups. We are proud to have been involved in the EPA development process, and will continue to support Canadian Government efforts as appropriate.

This annual fall dinner provides an excellent opportunity for us to demonstrate to Minister Bell the strength, vibrancy and commitment to the EPA of the Canada-Japan business community in British Columbia. We encourage all members and friends to join us at this signature event, meet Minister Bell and convey your support. We also invite our affiliated bilateral organizations and other groups interested in building bridges with Japan to do the same. The event promises to be an enlightening opportunity for all to network with others who share their interests.

Date: Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
Time: 5:30pm -Registration starts No host reception 6:30pm -Dinner
Place: Four Seasons Hotel 791 West Georgia Street Vancouver
Price: Early bird: $110 (HST incl.#139057855 RT0001) After November 15th: $120
Reserved Corporate and supporting organization table of 10 available at discount price

Please contact Angela Hollinger for details.