Gala 2008

Annual Gala Fall Dinner
Celebrating the Canada-Japan Society’s 80th Anniversary
Featuring the Honourable David Emerson, Minister of Foreign Affairs

80 years ago, in the same year that diplomatic relations were established between Japan and Canada, the Canada-Japan Society was formed.  Join us at our special 80th Anniversary celebration, featuring the Honourable David Emerson, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

David Emerson is well known to our membership, and has a very high profile here in British Columbia -as a senior civil servant, a senior executive in the private sector, and a federal cabinet minister.  While he is not running for re-election, he will still be the Minister of Foreign Affairs on October 16.  He is eminently qualified to speak to both the history and the future of the Canada-Japan relationship.

Given this special occasion, we will be making an effort to include other Canada-Japan business organizations, as well as the Nikkei and Japanese community associations.  Do plan to join us.  The details are;

Date:     Thursday, October 16
Time:     6:30 pm -No host reception/7:00 pm -Dinner
Place:    The Coast Plaza Hotel (1763 Comox Street, Vancouver)
Price:    $95.00 per person (inc. $4.52 GST)

Reserved tables for 8 and 10 are available.

Please register using the registration form.