CJSBC and CCCJ sign Memorandum of Understanding

CCCJ President Wilf Wakely and CJSBC President Steven Archer at the signing ceremony in Tokyo with BC Premier Christy

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan and the Canada -Japan Society of British Columbia strengthen ties, with a Memorandum of Understanding

BC Premier Christy Clark presides over the signing, during Asia trade mission

Tokyo (14 May 2012) – The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (CCCJ) and the Canada-Japan Society of British Columbia (CJSBC) today announced the establishment of an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between their two organizations, aimed at bolstering Canada-Japan connections to promote mutual prosperity.

CCCJ President Wilf Wakely and CJSBC President Steven J. Archer signed the MoU at a ceremony presided over by BC Premier Christy Clark on 14 May, at Tokyo’s Hotel Okura.

The agreement celebrates and commemorates the life work and commitment of the late John Mark Powles to the commercial relationships between Canada and Japan. John was one of the most significant figures in Canada-Japan relations for more than a quarter of a century. He acted as both CCCJ President and CJSBC President, as well as Head of the Canada-Japan Society in Tokyo, and was recognized in 2008 with the prestigious Order of the Rising Sun awarded by the Emperor of Japan.

The MoU is primarily aimed at further promoting ties and expanding trade between Canada and Japan. To this end, through the tie up, the organizations will work to facilitate consultation and cooperation, and support each other in their activities – including assistance for relevant parties on the ground in the respective countries. They will also promote cooperation among government officials and the business community, and together consult other chambers of commerce, Japan-related societies, and international institutions to advance their goals.

The CCCJ and the CJSBC recognize that mutually beneficial economic cooperation amongst countries, backed by close and meaningful person to person ties, is crucial to prosperity. The MoU follows on the announcement by Prime Ministers Stephen Harper and Yoshihiko Noda that the governments of Canada and Japan agree to launch formal negotiations towards a bilateral Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), and the CCCJ and the CJSBC fully support both governments.

Wilf Wakely, President of the CCCJ, said, “John Mark Powles is an icon in the Canada-Japan relationship, and a role model under whom many of us grew and developed. His legacy is well-known, and it is very appropriate to commemorate him with this MoU, in an environment of increasing momentum behind the Canada-Japan bilateral relationship.”

Steven J. Archer, President of the CJSBC, said, “The CJSBC, formed in 1928, is the oldest Asian bi-lateral association in Canada, and we aim to encourage and increase the opportunities in British Columbia for friendship and understanding between Canada and Japan. We welcome the advancement of these goals, through our MoU with the CCCJ.”